Business To Business Versus Business To Consumer Marketing

The process of improving business and increasing sales via any distinct strategic plan is called marketing. The two types of marketing include business to business and business to consumer marketing. Although both employ the same initial steps and other marketing programs, there are some basic differences between the two.
The first distinction is the way they sell their products or services. In business to consumer, the marketer sells to the consumers, who are the end-users. While in business to business, the marketer sells the commodities to organizations or companies, such as to a business dealer so that they can sell the commodities as well and turn in profits.
Unlike the consumer marketing, the promotion in business marketing does not involve any media advertisements. Instead, it uses magazines, business newspapers, and direct mails to concerned buyer companies or organizations.
Through the years, it was known that business to business marketing has always been behind the operation of business to consumer companies. But as the years wore on and advancement on technological aspect has been seen, it has been reaping popularity because of the intensified growth.
What are the factors behind this fact?
First is the technological revolution. Black and white, the technology has taken a significant leap in terms of advancement allowing business organizations to come closer to it. The growth of business to business concept can be linked with the advancement of technologically as what was seen in the employment of websites and similar tools to improve business sales and operation.
The second is the entrepreneurship revolution. Nowadays, more and more businesses are putting their hands in different business promotion tactics. Because of this, a tremendous increase is seen in the competitive aspect of the industry. It is now a fact that competitors are becoming more innovative and aggressive in their business activities, anything that will perfect the improvement of their company or organization.
There is also the third factor, the market revolution. The significant increase in demand has to be taken into account in the market revolution. Consumers are becoming impatient with as far as supply is provided, so businesses have to discover more innovative and practical ways to meet this in the best and quickest possible ways. Thus, a change happened in the entire business marketing nature.
The fourth is the internet, probably the biggest factor to be considered in the development of business promotions. The internet played a significant role in binding the power forces and is responsible in joint ventures between huge industries and companies together. More and more businesses are reaching out to other businesses with the realization that both would gain bigger profit if they work together.  
The Main Objective
The business to business marketing aims to boost the shareholder value it holds in the market. So, while it is not aggressive when it comes to promotion, it is when in terms of branding of the services or products. It doesn't have to reach the consumer end users, but its role in developing the business and giving it firm position in the industry relies heavily on the reputation it makes by having a superior product or service branding.
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