What Is Business? noble metal a pair of

What Is Business? noble metal a pair of

It takes "Organized, intelligent and productive work" to rule. One fascinating designation is that the creation mandate is to "fill the planet." It takes economical and effective visionary leadership to "rule," "lead," "manage," and refill God's structure - earth. All of the preceding is that the parts that frame a healthy business system. At the conclusion of labor when creation episode, God enacted a "work" or "business" code known as creation mandate for man to interact in filling up the "structure" that He created,

"Now no woody plant of the sphere had however mature on the planet, and no plant of the sphere had however up, for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the planet, and there was no man to cultivate (work) the ground"
Genesis 2:5

When a high-rise dwelling project is beneath construction, the structural engineers initial place in situ the structure or skeleton of the whole building, that defines however the building would appear as if eventually. Thereafter, building engineers would come back and refill the structure with blocks before you'll be able to totally appreciate the aesthetic attractiveness or worth of the dwelling. After God, Adam was the primary employee or business man on earth; he was mandated to refill or physical exertion God's structure of creation i.e. administer and market profitably God's vision on earth

It becomes clear that business is divine in nature; business may be a veritable vehicle to try and do the need of God; it is not created to support sin - self enrichment and favouritism. whereas i'd concede that money or profit may be a corollary of obedience to ruler-ship; it is not the first objective of business. the wonder of the business system is appreciated best once it's organized beneath a harmonious and congenial atmosphere.

So, what's business from God's perspective?

Business is that the economical and effective organization of your talent, talent or gift beneath a healthy and compatible business system. Business is that the organized offer of human wants and also the promotion of human well-being beneath God's program. each kingdom business ought to have healthy and compatible system in situ that encourages potency and effectiveness. So then, what's a business system from biblical perspective? which will be the theme of our discourse in our next article!

Many years before Jesus launched His sublunar ministry - at the tender age of twelve - He proclaimed in public to His sublunar folks and people inside hearing distance His principal purpose on earth,

"... Wist ye not that i have to be regarding my Father's business?"

Luke 2:29

By this announcement, Jesus enshrouded the make-up of His ministry in mystery; even His sublunar parent could not perceive what He meant,

"Yet his folks didn't perceive the remark he created to them."

I want to put the world's definition of business and God's purpose for business from the preceding text. If business is all regarding creating cash through the supply of merchandise and services (according to the world's definition), question is, what was the merchandise or service that Jesus rendered to the "doctors" He listened to and the way abundant cash was involved? Your answer is pretty much as good as mine - none.

Christ business wasn't predicated on physical reality however on non secular reality, he wanted to pursue the need of God - creation mandate - by conveyance His creation into alignment with God. so from the beginning of His business on earth, Jesus wanted to bring folks in alignment with the ways in which of God, through His ministry.

"Jesus aforementioned to them, "My food (purpose) is to try and do the need (creation mandate) of the one WHO sent American state and to finish his work (ruler-ship)"

John 4:34

If as long as Christ perspective of business wasn't predicated on provision of physical merchandise, merchandise or services for the aim of creating money! thus then, what was the daddy's business that He alluded to within the text above? His father's business is that the work given Him to try and do on earth that is that the can of the father - creation mandate.

Christ business on earth was is place. From the preceding, one will perceive the basic parts of God's business that are:

His can - VISION
Dominion - selling
This is the core of what's referred to as "business system" that Christ explained within the parable of the owner within the ordinal chapter and verses xxxiii and 34 of the books of Matthew. In my follow-up article, i will explore "The anatomy of a business system."



There's an exciting new "down-home" kind of business springing up
among homeowners all across the country. It's called Bed and

Basically, this is a transplant of European Hospitality, adapted
and refined to the American way of doing things.  To foreign
visitors, it's the comfort and hospitality of home---staying
overnight "with people of the land" and enjoying a hearty
breakfast---without the traditional gaudiness and plastic
feelings visitors get from most big cities in the United States.
To U.S. citizens, it is a welcome alternative to the same old
hotel/motel circuit.

Now, all it takes is a spare bedroom, a good cook ad an outgoing
personality. Prices per night range from a low $25 to $100 or

If you have an extra bedroom, a large home, or extra space in
your farm house, you have the necessary beginnings to start
making extra income as a Bed and Breakfast Inn. One of the
beautiful aspects of this idea is that so long  as you're hosting
"overnight visitors" on a small scale no licenses will be
required. It's always best, however to check with your local
authorities just to be sure.

Naturally, your "visitors" will expect a clean, neat and
comfortable home. So assuming that your home meets these
prerequisites, and you have a spare bedroom, simply 'doll it up"
a bit. Make sure it's painted brightly, there's an outside
window, lots of room, closet space and bureau, and perhaps a
small writing desk, and a large comfortable bed, or twin beds.

Most foreign visitors will expect and appreciate a "quick tour"
of the interesting sights in your area. However, as your
particular popularity  as a B&B Host grows, you'll find that a
lot of American tourists and business people on the road will
begin availing themselves of your hospitality. Certainly with
these people, it won't always be necessary to give the "Red
Carpet" visitors treatment.

Which brings us to the basic appeal of a Bed and Breakfast Inn.
Travelers seem to be looking for, and appreciate a quiet
"home-style" place to stay. Generally, they enjoy visiting with
the people off the superhighway and want to get away from the
sterilized atmosphere and sameness of hotels and motels.

Most people will either write to you ahead of time, inquiring
about the possibilities of staying at your home while in your
town or city. This means a bit of advertising on your part, or
listing your availability with a B&B broker. Some people will
check the local telephone listings, and the newspaper
advertisements when they arrive in a strange town. And some
people will just be driving across the country, come to a town or
city they think is interesting, and start driving through the
residential areas looking for Bed and Breakfast Inns.

Thus, you should have a small sign posed either in your front
yard or on the front of your house. This sign needn't be much
more than about two feet wide and about ten inches deep. It need
only state: BED AND BREAKFAST--Inquire Within or Call 123-4567.

For newspaper advertising, a similar listing in the personal
column of your local paper, particularly on Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays, will be all you'll need. But when it comes to the
yellow pages of your telephone and business directories, go with
a small display ad that describes in greater detail the comforts
and pleasures of your service.

Be sure to list your services with all the travel agencies in
your area. A brochure or a short synopsis of what you offer will
most assuredly give the travel agents an idea for steering
visitors your way. At the same time, listing your services in a
number of national travel magazines --particularly those that
cater to women--- will bring customers in for you.

Listing your services with a broker usually won't cost you
anything up front, but they will expect a certain
percentage--usually about 25% of the total bill. This same
arrangement applies with travel agents.

Now, suppose you're organized and ready to receive your first
customers. You greet them as host or hostess and offer to assist
them in getting situated in the room or rooms you have for them.
If they'd like to take a drive around your area and see the
points of interest, you do that. And then in the morning, serve
them a big, delicious breakfast.

You'll probably find that foreign visitors will want to stay
several days. With most people of this country who are just
travelling through your area, it'll be a one-night stopover.
Whatever, if they want to sleep comfortably through the night,
eat breakfast and be on their way, so be it. If they want to stay
around after breakfast and plan an itinerary for a compete visit
in your area, your assistance and help will be greatly
appreciated. (Remember those recommendations)!

That's it! The complete how and why of this tremendously
profitable business that's becoming more and more popular. It's
called Bed & Breakfast, and it's very definitely a low investment
idea. And you can parlay it into a very interesting and
comfortable income producing business--all from the comfort of
your own home!



This is a very lucrative business, and it's growing in demand and
popularity. There are thousands of people in all parts of the
world who are making hundreds of dollars each week, just reading
and clipping news item in the privacy of their own homes!

The press-clipping business is very much misunderstood by most
people, and therefor there are a lot of people who are very
skeptical about it as a way for ordinary people to make extra
money at home. If you explain to friends or neighbors that you
operate a press clipping business, most of them will think you
pore through the obituaries, funeral notices, ad wedding
announcements. Clipping these out and sending them to people or
relatives of the people being written about.

In reality, this is but a very small part of the home-based
newspaper clipping service. The really successful press clipping
services have contracts with companies and organizations that
want to keep current on any number of matters reported in the

Some companies hire clipping services in order to keep track of
what their competitors are doing. Other companies, including
businesses of all kinds, use clipping services as a means of
locating sales leads and new customers. National magazines and
newspapers are a;ways in ned of different or interesting
material, and frequently employ home-based clipping services.

To set yourself up in this kind of business, you'll need only a
pair of scissors and as many different newspapers and magazines
as you can subscribe to. A visit to your local public library
should be most informative relative to newspapers and magazines
available to subscribers.

You should also visit your local wholesale paper house, or make a
deal with te local stationery store to buy labels at a discount
price.  You'll want to attach these labels to the top of each
clipping you send to your clients. On these labels, you'll want
to print the name of the publication th clipping came from, and
the date it appeared, as well as your on name and address.

The next step is simply to start clipping articles that mention
or talk about specific companies or people. File you clippings in
envelopes or boxes according to industries or types of
businesses, by company name, ad according to the names of the
people mentioned.

Once you have ten or more clippings that talk about a particular
company or person, put them in a envelope and send them to that
company's owner or public relations director. You should include
a short note with the clippings, explaining your service and your

Your should try to get your clients to agree to pay you a monthly
"reader's fe," for which you agree to look for anything in the
newspaper about him or his company or industry. Every time you
spot such an article, you of course clip it, and send it to him.
A minimum monthly "reader's fee" is usually $25,but it can vary
according to the number of publications you read, and thee number
of clippings found.

Generally, a clipping service that scans statewide publications
charge about $50 per client, or $100 per client for those wanting
clippings from national publications. These fees, of course, are
monthly fees, and you can easily see how you could make very good
money with just 20 or 25 clients.

To promote and build your business, you can scan your local
business services directory and send out a solicitation letter to
each of those listed. A couple days after you've posted your
sales letter, you should follow up with a phone call.

A short, to-the-point ad under "Business Personals" in your daily
newspaper will also bring in new clients for you. And as soon you
can afford it, go with at least a small display ad in the yellow
pages of your telephone directory.

You should definitely contact relations firms, advertising
agencies,and civic organizations in your area. Explain your
services and ask them if they have any special clients or needs
you can help them with. You'll find many of your local political
and "cause" groups very interested in receiving clippings about
their opponents.

Clipping services in one form or another have been around since
the advent of the printing press, and as stated earlier, they're
becoming more in demand. It's definitely the kid of business
anyone who knows how to read can set up ad operate with an
absolute minimum investment.



...and Earn $100,000 a Year, Collect Large Fees Helping
Others....and Borrow All The Money You Need

Becoming a Money Broker is one of the easiest and most rewarding
endeavors available. Virtually anyone can become a Money Broker
with the smallest investment. You can start this business on a
part-time basis, and earn large "Finders Fees," or open your own
office and work fulltime with absolutely unlimited income

Until very recently, the "secrets of money brokering" were
closely guarded and known only to a few select bankers,
investment corporations, and business consultants. No other
business offers the potential income figure for so little
investment! As an example, starting with less than $100, some
money brokers have made $100,000 their first year in their
business! This is the ideal way for a man or woman to supplement
his or her present income, or change professions after a period
of time. It is an absolute "dream-come-true" for the
semi-retired, or retired office worker.

There is hardly another business requiring less than $100 in
start-up cost that can put you in a six-figure income bracket so
quickly. None of them give you the power, prestige, or
status---respectability in your community---equal to that of the
Money Broker.

To get started, you'll need stationary, envelopes, and business
cards with your own letterhead. When ordering, be sure to include
your phone number. Also have copies made of your Fee Agreement.
We have presented a typical Fee Agreement form (which you may
duplicate after eradicating the instructions we have given in

As we started, the investment in this business is small; when you
have your stationary, envelopes, cards and the Finder's Fee
Agreement in hand, you have spent part of it. The other part will
be discussed now, because you have to "find" both borrower and
lender to really get underway.

Once you have your "working paper," you will run some
advertisements in your local paper under the headings "money to
Loan," or "Business Opportunities." Typical ads might read:


(This ad would be used to "pull" BORROWERS)


(This one would be to attract LENDERS)

In response to the calls or letters from prospective clients, you
will have to be prepared (really BE prepared by practicing) with
the proper answers and sales pitch--(to the prospective
borrower): "Yes, this is John Johnson. Thank you for calling.
First I will explain how we operate. I'm a money broker, Mr. (USE
HIS NAME!)____. I bring you, the borrower, and the lender,
together. I have different money sources available---banks,
insurance companies, private investment groups of doctors,
dentists, lawyers, and other professional people. My sources are
in business to make money by lending out money. Let's see-- I
need to determine your needs and the purpose of the loan in order
to properly prepare the necessary financial papers for your loan
request as many as ten different lending groups in order to get
the loan for you. Once I have an approval on your loan request,
I'm paid anywhere from 2% to 10% of the total loan
figure...important for you to remember, though, is that I don't
get paid less I GET the loan for you. I do, however charge a $100
non-refundable Application Fee to cover my expenses in preparing
your request for loan papers and presenting this portfolio to the
lenders. In a nutshell, that's how these types of loans are
negotiated. Now then, how much will you need?

(Note that five successful registrations per will bring you $500
each week.)

This is where you begin to acquire the information you are going
to need to proceed--the amount of money needed---purpose of the
loan---terms the borrower wants for repayment--and a profile of
his background--education, employment record, date of birth,
Social Security number, marital status, general health, and
number of dependents.

Next you type this information onto the proper forms, assembling
all into a portfolio and presenting it with a cover letter to at
least five different lenders for their consideration.

When the loan is granted, you collect your Brokers Fee--a
pre-determined percentage of the total loan figure.




The undersigned,   Borrower's name, hereby appoints YOUR NAME, as
his Agent and authorizes him to submit to lenders data
information supplied by the borrower, for the purpose of the
lender making a loan or investment direct to the undersigned. The
undersigned aggress to pay to YOUR NAME, a fee of ___% of the
amount of the loan or investment obtained. The undersigned hereby
pays to YOUR NAME, $____ as a non-refundable fee for the time
involved to appraise the feasibility of loan requested; this fee
is separate from any
other fess due, if the loan is obtained.

___________________                  _______________________  
  Date                                 Borrower



Most people are always striving to better themselves.  It's the
"American Way".  For proof, check the sales figures on the
number of self-improvement books sold each year.  This is not a
pitch for you to jump in and start selling these kinds of books,
but it is a indication of people's awareness that in order to
better themselves, they have to continue improving their
personal selling ab abilities.

To excel in any selling situation, you must have confidence, and
confidence comes, first and foremost, from knowledge.  You have
to know and understand yourself and your goals.  You have to
recognize and accept your weaknesses as well as your special
talents.  This requires a kind of personal honesty that not
everyone is capable of exercising.

In addition to knowing yourself, you must continue learning
about people.  Just as with yourself, you must be caring,
forgiving and laudatory with others.  In any sales effort, you
must accept other people as they are, not as you would like for
them to be.  One of the most common faults of sales people is
impatience when the prospective customer is slow to understand
or make a decision.  The successful salesperson handles these
situations the same as he would if he were asking a girl for a
date, or even applying for a new job.

Learning your product, making a clear presentation to qualified
prospects, and closing more sales will take a lot less time once
you know your own capabilities and failings, and understand and
care about the prospects you are calling upon.

Our society is predicated upon selling, and all of us are
selling something all the time.  We move up or stand still in
direct relation to our sales efforts.  Everyone is included,
whether we're attempting to be a friend to a co-worker, a
neighbor, or selling multi-million dollar real estate projects.
Accepting these facts will enable you to understand that there
is no such thing as a born salesman.  Indeed, in selling, we all
begin at the same starting line, and we all have the same finish
line as the goal - a successful sale.

Most assuredly, anyone can sell anything to anybody.  As a
qualification to this statement, let us say that some things are
easier to sell than others, and some people work harder at
selling than others.  But regardless of what you're selling, or
even how you're attempting to sell it, the odds are in your
favor.  If you make your presentation to enough people, you'll
find a buyer.  The problem with most people seems to be in
making contact - getting their sales presentation seen by, read
by, or heard by enough people.  But this really shouldn't be a
problem, as we'll explain later.  There is a problem of
impatience, but this too can be harnessed to work in the
salesperson's favor.

We have established that we're all sales people in one way or
another.  So whether we're attempting to move up from forklift
driver to warehouse manager, waitress to hostess, salesman to
sales manager or from mail order dealer to president of the
largest sales organization in the world, it's vitally important
that we continue learning.

Getting up out of bed in the morning;  doing what has to be done
in order to sell more units of your product;  keeping records,
updating your materials; planning the direction of further sales
efforts; and all the while increasing your own knowledge---all
this very definitely requires a great deal of personal
motivation, discipline, and energy. But then the rewards can be
beyond your wildest dreams, for make no mistake about it, the
selling profession is the highest paid occupation in the world!

Selling is challenging.  It demands the utmost of your
creativity and innovative thinking.  The more success you want,
and the more dedicated you are to achieving your goals, the more
you'll sell.  Hundreds of people the world over become
millionaires each month through selling.  Many of them were flat
broke and unable to find a "regular" job when they began their
selling careers.  Yet they've done it, and you can do it too!

Remember, it's the surest way to all the wealth you could ever
want.  You get paid according to your own efforts, skill, and
knowledge of people.  If you're ready to become rich, then think
seriously about selling a product or service (preferably
something exclusively yours) - something that you "pull out of
your brain"; something that you write, manufacture or produce
for the benefit of other people.  But failing this, the want ads
are full of opportunities for ambitious sales people.  You can
start there, study, learn from experience, and watch for the
chance that will allow you to move ahead by leaps and bounds.

Here are some guidelines that will definitely improve your gross
sales, and quite naturally, your gross income.  I like to call
them the Strategic Salesmanship Commandments.  Look them over;
give some thought to each of them;  and adapt those that you can
to your own selling efforts.

1.  If the product you're selling is something your prospect can
hold in his hands, get it into his hands as quickly as possible.
 In other words, get the prospect "into the act".  Let him feel
it, weigh it, admire it.

2.  Don't stand or sit alongside your prospect.  Instead, face
him while you're pointing out the important advantages of your
product.  This will enable you to watch his facial expressions
and determine whether and when you should go for the close.  In
handling sales literature, hold it by the top of the page, at
the proper angle, so that your prospect can read it as you're
highlighting the important points.

Regarding your sales literature, don't release your hold on it,
because you want to control the specific parts you want the
prospect to read.  In other words, you want the prospect to read
or see only the parts of the sales material you're telling him
about at a given time.

3.  With prospects who won't talk with you:  When you can get no
feedback to yours sales presentation, you must dramatize your
presentation to get him involved.  Stop and ask questions such
as, "Now, don't you agree that this product can help you or
would be of benefit to you?"  After you've asked a question such
as this, stop talking and wait for the prospect to answer.  It's
a proven fact that following such a question, the one who talks
first will lose, so don't say anything until after the prospect
has given you some kind of answer.  Wait him out!

4.  Prospects who are themselves sales people, and prospects who
imagine they know a lot about selling sometimes present
difficult selling obstacles, especially for the novice.  But
believe me, these prospects can be the easiest of all to sell.
Simply give your sales presentation, and instead of trying for a
close, toss out a challenge such as, "I don't know, Mr.
Prospect - after watching your reactions to what I've been
showing and telling you about my product, I'm very doubtful as
to how this product can truthfully be of benefit to you".

Then wait a few seconds, just looking at him and waiting for him
to say something.  Then, start packing up your sales materials
as if you are about to leave.  In almost every instance, your
"tough nut" will quickly ask you, Why?  These people are
generally so filled with their own importance, that they just
have to prove you wrong.  When they start on this tangent, they
will sell themselves.  The more skeptical you are relative to
their ability to make your product work to their benefit, the
more they'll demand that you sell it to them.

If you find that this prospect will not rise to your challenge,
then go ahead with the packing of your sales materials and leave
quickly.  Some people are so convinced of their own importance
that it is a poor use of your valuable time to attempt to
convince them.

5.  Remember that in selling, time is money!  Therefore, you
must allocate only so much time to each prospect.  The prospect
who asks you to call back next week, or wants to ramble on about
similar products, prices or previous experiences, is costing you
money.  Learn to quickly get your prospect interested in, and
wanting your product, and then systematically present your sales
pitch through to the close, when he signs on the dotted line,
and reaches for his checkbook.

After the introductory call on your prospect, you should be
selling products and collecting money.  Any callbacks should be
only for reorders, or to sell him related products from your
line.  In other words, you can waste an introductory call on a
prospect to qualify him, but you're going to be wasting money if
you continue calling on him to sell him the first unit of your
product.  When faced with a reply such as, "Your product looks
pretty good, but I'll have to give some thought", you should
quickly jump in and ask him what specifically about your product
does he feel he needs to give more thought.  Let him explain,
and that's when you go back into your sales presentation and
make everything crystal clear for him.  If he still balks, then
you can either tell him that you think he product will really
benefit him, or it's purchase be to his benefit.

You must spend as much time as possible calling on new
prospects.  Therefore, your first call should be a selling call
with follow-up calls by mail or telephone (once every month or
so in person) to sign him for re-orders and other items from
your product line.

6.  Review your sales presentation, your sales materials, and
your prospecting efforts.  Make sure you have a "door-opener"
that arouses interest and "forces" a purchase the first time
around.  This can be a $2 interest stimulator so that you can
show him your full line, or a special marked-down price on an
item that everybody wants;  but the important thing is to get
the prospect on your "buying customer" list, and then follow up
via mail or telephone with related, but more profitable products
you have to offer.

If you accept our statement that there are no born salesmen, you
can readily absorb these "commandments".  Study them, as well as
all the material in this report.  When you realize your first
successes, you will truly know that "salesmen are MADE - not


                           SURVIVAL TIPS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES

You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local
merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or
whatever---you've got to know how to keep your business alive
during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business,
large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of
that business has to be run as a "tight ship."

Some of the things you can and should do include protecting
yourself from expenditures made on sudden impulse. We've all
bought merchandise or services we really didn't need simply
because we were in the mood, or perhaps in response to the
flamboyancy of the advertising or the persuasiveness of the
salesperson. Then we sort of "wake up" a couple of days later and
find that we've committed hundreds of dollars of business funds
for an item or service that's not essential to the success of our
own business, when really pressing items had been waiting for
those dollars.

If you are incorporated, you can eliminate these "impulse
purchases" by including in your by-laws a clause that states:
"All purchasing decisions over (a certain amount) are contingent
upon approval by the board of directors." This will force you to
consider any "impulse purchases" of considerable cost, and may
even be a reminder in the case of smaller purchases.

If your business is a partnership, you can state, when faced with
a buying decision, that all purchases are contingent upon the
approval of a third party. In reality, the third party can be
your partner, one of your department heads, or even one of your

If your business is a sole proprietorship, you don't have much to
worry about really, because as an individual you have three days
to think about your purchase, and then to nullify that purchase
if you think you don't really need it or can't afford it.

While you may think you cannot afford it, be sure that you don't
"short-change" yourself on professional services. This would
apply especially during a time of emergency. Anytime you commit
yourself and move ahead without completely investigating all the
angles, and preparing yourself for all the contingencies that may
arise, you're skating on thin ice. Regardless of the costs
involved, it always pays off in the long run to seek out the
advice of experienced professionals before embarking on a plan
that could ruin you.

As an example, an experienced business consultant can fill you in
on the 1244 stock advantages. Getting eligibility for the 1244
stock category is a very simple process, but one with tremendous
benefits to your business.

The 1244 stock encourages investors to put equity capital into
your business because in the event of a loss, amounts up to the
entire sum of the investment can be written off in the current
year. Without the "1244" classification, any losses would have to
be spread over several years, and this, of course, would greatly
lessen the attractiveness of your company's stock. Any business
owner who has not filed the 1244 corporation has in effect cut
himself off from 90 percent of his prospective investors.

Particularly when sales are down, you must be "hard-nosed" with
people trying to sell you luxuries for your business. When
business is booming, you undoubtedly will allow sales people to
show you new models of equipment or a new line of supplies; but
when your business is down, skip the entertaining frills and
concentrate on the basics. Great care must be taken however, to
maintain courtesy and allow these sellers to consider you a
friend and call back at another time.

Your company's books should reflect your way of thinking, and
whoever maintains them should generate information according to
your policies. Thus, you should hire an outside accountant or
accounting firm to figure your return on your investment, as well
as the turnover on your accounts receivable and inventory. Such
an audit or survey should focus in depth on any or every item
within the financial statement that merits special attention. in
this way, you'll probably uncover any potential financial
problems before they become readily apparent, and certainly
before they could get out of hand.

Many small companies set up advisory boards of outside
professional people. These are sometimes known as power Circles,
and once in place, the business always benefits, especially in
times of short operating capital. Such an advisory board or power
circle should include an attorney, a certified public accountant,
civic club leaders, owners or managers of businesses similar to
yours, and retired executives. Setting up such an advisory board
of directors is really quite easy, because most people you ask
will be honored to serve.

Once your board is set up, you should meet once a month and
present material for review. Each meeting should be a discussion
of your business problems and an input from your advisors
relative to possible solutions. These members of your board od
advisors should offer you advice as well as alternatives, and
provide you with objectivity. No formal decisions need to be made
either at your board meeting, or as a result of them, but you
should be able to gain a great deal from the suggestions you

You will find that most of your customers have the money to pay
at least some of what they owe you immediately. To keep them
current, and the number of accounts receivable in your files to a
minimum, you should call them on the phone and ask for some kind
of explanation why they're falling behind. if you develop such a
habit as part of your operating procedure, you'll find your
invoices will magically be drawn to the front of their piles of
bills to pay. While maintaining a courteous attitude, don't
hesitant, or too much of a "nice guy" when it comes to collecting

Something else that's a very good business practice, but which
few business owners do is to methodically build a credit rating
with their local banks. Particularly when you have a good cash
flow, you should borrow $100 to $1,000 from your banks every 90
days or so. Simply borrow  the money, and place it in an interest
bearing account, and then pay it all back at least a month or so
before it's due. By doing this, you will increase the borrowing
power of your signature, and strengthen your ability to obtain
needed financing on short notice. This is a kind of business
leverage that will be of great value to you if or whenever your
cash position becomes less favorable.

By all means, join your industry's local and national trade
associations. Most of these organizations have a wealth of
information available on everything from details on your
competitors to average industry sales figures, new products,
services, and trends.

If you are given a membership certificate or wall plaque, you
should display these conspicuously on your office wall. Customers
like to see such "seals of approval" and feel additional
confidence in your business when they see them.

Still another thing often overlooked: If at all possible, you
should have your spouse work in the business with you for at
least three or four weeks per year. The important thing is that
if for any reason you are not available to run the business, your
spouse will be familiar with certain people and situations about
your business. These people should include your attorney,
accountant, any consultants or advisors, creditors and your major
suppliers. The long-term advantages of having your spouse work
four weeks per year in your business with you will greatly
outweigh the short-term inconvenience. Many couples share
responsibility and time entirely, which is in most cases even
more desirable.

Whenever you can, and as often as you need it, take advantage of
whatever free business counseling is available. The Small
Business Administration published many excellent booklets,
checklist and brochures on quite a large variety of businesses.
these publications are available through the U.S.Government
printing office. Most local universities, and many private
organizations hold seminars at minimal cost, and often without
charge. You should also take advantage of the services offered by
your bank and local library.

The important thing about running a small business is to know the
direction in which you're heading; to know on a day-to-day basis
your progress in that very direction; to be aware of what your
competitors are doing and to practice good money management at
all times. All this will prepare you to recognize potential
problems before they arise.

In order to survive with a small business, regardless of the
economic climate, it is essential to surround yourself with smart
people, and practice sound business management at all times.



In these days, it's becoming increasingly difficult to make ends
meet with just one source of income.  Thus, more and more people
are investigating the possibilities of starting their own
extra-income business.  Most of these part-time endeavors are
started and operated from the comfort and privacy of the home.

Most of these people are making the extra money they need.  Some
have wisely and carefully built these extra income efforts into
full-time, very profitable businesses.  Others are just keeping
busy, having fun, and enjoying life as never before.  The
important thing is that they are doing something other than
waiting for the government to give them a handout; they are
improving their lot in life, and you can do it, too!

The fields of mail order selling, multi-level marketing, and
in-home party sales have never been more popular.  If any of
these kinds of extra income producing ideas appeal to you, then
you owe it to yourself to check them out.  But these aren't the
only fields of endeavor you can start and operate from home,
with little or no investment, and learn as you go.

If you type, you can start a home-based typing service;  if you
have a truck or have access to a trailer, you can start a
clean-up/hauling service.  Simply collecting old newspapers from
your neighbors can get you started in the paper recycling
business.  More than a few enterprising housewifes have found
success and fortune by starting home and/or apartment cleaning
services.  If you have a yard full of flowers, you can make good
extra money by supplying fresh cut flowers to restaurants and
offices in your area on a regular basis.  You might turn a
ceramics hobby into a lucrative personalized coffee mug
business.  What I'm saying is that in reality, there's literally
no end to the ways you can start and operate a profitable extra
income business from your home.

The first thing you must do, however, is some basic market
research.  Find out for yourself, first-hand, just how many
people there are in your area who are interested in your
proposed product or service, and would be "willing to stand in
line and pay money for it".  This is known as defining your
market and pinpointing your customers.  If  after checking
around, talking about your idea with a whole lot of people over
a period of one to three months, you get the idea that these
people would be paying customers, your next effort should be
directed toward the "detailing" of your business plan.  The more
precise and detailed your plan - covering all the bases relating
to how you'll do everything that needs to be done - the easier
it's going to be for you to attain success.  Such a plan should
show you start-up investment needs, your advertising plan, your
production costs and procedure, your sales program, and how your
time will be allocated.  Too often, enthusiastic and ambitious
entrepreneur jump in on an extra income project and suddenly
find that the costs are beyond their abilities, and the time
requirements more than they can meet.  It pays to lay it all out
on paper before you get involved, and the clearer you can "see"
everything before you start, the better your chances for success.

Now, assuming you've got your market targeted, you know who your
customers are going to be and how you're going to reach them
with your product or service.  And you have all your costs as
well as time requirements itemized.  The next step is to set
your plan in motion and start making money.

Here is the most important "secret" of all, relating to starting
and building a profitable home-based business, so read very
carefully.  Regardless of what kind of business you start, you
must have the capital and the available time to sustain your
business through the first six months of operation.
Specifically, you must not count on receiving or spending any
money coming in from your business on yourself or for your bills
during those first six months.  All the income from your
business during those first six months should be reinvested in
your business in order for it to grow and reach your planned
first year potential.

Once you've passed that first six months milestone, you can set
up a small monthly salary for yourself, and begin enjoying the
fruits of your labor.  But the first six months of operation for
any business are critical, so do not plan to use any of the
money you business generates for yourself during that period.

If you've got your business plan properly organized, and have
implemented the plan, you should at the end of your first year
be able to begin thinking about hiring other people to alleviate
some of your workload.  Remember this:  Starting a successful
business is not a means towards either a job for yourself or a
way to keep busy.  It should be regarded as the beginning of an
enterprise that will grow and prosper, with you as the top dog.
Eventually, you'll have other people doing all the work for you,
even running the entire operation, while you vacation in the
Bahamas or Hawaii and collect or receive regular income from
your initial efforts.

For more details on market research, business planning,
advertising, selling, order fulfillment, and other aspects of
home-based businesses, check with the distributor from whom you
received this report.